LiberaseTM cell dissociation protocol

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Prepare Reagents

0.7x PBS

  • Dilute 1x PBS to 0.7x with dH2O
-> Chill on ice before use.

Liberase TM solution

  • 40uL Stock Liberase TM (100x, 26WU/mL)
  • 3960uL 0.7xPBS in a FACS tube
-> Chill on ice before use.

AMEM(0) (serum-free medium)

  • 114.3mL F12:DMEM+Glutmax
  • 1.5mL Sodium pyruvate (100mM)
  • 1.5mL B27 supplement
  • 1.5mL Insulin (1 mg/mL)
  • 1.5mL MEM Non-Essential Amino Acid (NEAA)
  • 1.5mL Penicillin/Streptomycin (10000 U/mL)
  • 28.2mL Sterile ddH2O
-> Total 150mL, filter.
-> Chill on ice before use.

High-Serum AMEM (HS-AMEM)

  • 125mL Minimum essential medium (MEM)
  • 20mL Heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (56 degree, 30 min)
  • 2mL Insulin (1 mg/mL)
  • 2mL Glutamine (200mM)
  • 2mL Penicillin/Streptomycin (10000 U/mL)
  • 49mL Sterile ddH2O
-> Total 200mL, filter.
-> Chill on ice before use.

Liberase TM cell dissociation on amphibian limb tissue

  • Collect the limb tissue to dissociate into a new 100mm dish.
  • Wash the tissue in a 60mm dish with 0.7x PBS to remove blood and debris.
  • Transfer the tissue into a new 60mm dish with fresh 0.7x PBS.
  • Remove the skin.
  • Transfer the limb mesenchyme into a new 60mm dish. Remove as much liquid as possible.
  • Chop the tissue into <500mm^3 cubes with a #21 scalpel.
  • Transfer the tissue pieces into the Liberase TM solution.
  • Rotate on a wheel 40-50 minutes, room temperature. Vigorously shake every 15-20 minutes to disperse the tissue.
    • The tissue will start to clump together after ~20 minutes.
  • Put the tube on a rack and wait until the remaining tissue pieces to settle down.
  • Collect the cleared, top 3mL solution and filter through a 30mm filter cup on a 15mL falcon tube.
  • Mechanically dissociate the remaining tissue by pipetting the remaining 1mL solution 15-20 times with a P1000 tip.
  • Filter the remaining solution with the same 30mm filter cup.
  • Stop the enzymatic reaction by washing the FACS tube with 4mL HS-AMEM, and then filter the HS-AMEM with the same 30mm filter cup.
  • Collect the remaining solution at the bottom of the filter cup into the 15mL falcon tube, gently mix.
-> If doing scRNA-seq directly, immediately filter through 10um filter cup. Then continue.
  • Centrifuge 300xrcf, 20 degree, 5 minutes. Remove supernatant.
  • Wash the cell pellet with 5mL 0.7xPBS
  • Centrifuge 300xrcf, 20 degree, 5 minutes. Remove supernatant.
-> If doing FACS, continue with FACS protocol.
  • Wash the cell pellet with 5mL 0.7xPBS
  • Centrifuge 300xrcf, 20 degree, 5 minutes. Remove supernatant.
-> If doing scRNA-seq directly, continue with the scRNA-seq protocol.
-> If doing cell transplantation directly, continue with the transplantation protocol